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OpenGate Capital to Buy TransDigm’s Visualization Tech Businesses for $200M

OpenGate Capital has entered into a $200 million acquisition deal for two TransDigm Group (NYSE: TDG) business units that offer visualization and simulation visual display systems.

The Los Angeles-based private equity firm intends to purchase ScioTeq and Treality, which jointly earned $135 million in revenues for the 2020 fiscal year ended Sept. 30, TransDigm said Monday.

Both units primarily market products to the global defense, security and air traffic control segments.

TransDigm, which bought the two entities as part of its $4 billion purchase of Esterline Technologies in 2019, expects to complete the sale in the third quarter of its 2021 fiscal year.

The announcement of this divestment move comes nearly two months after Transdigm closed its acquisition of Cobham Aero Connectivity for $965 million.

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