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Northrop to Build Next-Gen OPIR Missile Warning Satellites Under $2.4B Contract Modification

Northrop Grumman (NYSE: NOC) has received a potential $2.4B contract modification from the U.S. Space Force to design and develop the first two polar space vehicles under the Next-Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared program.

The company will also provide flight hardware and perform risk reduction work in support of a critical design review under Next-Gen OPIR, the Department of Defense said Monday.

The modification brings the contract’s total amount to $2.42B. The Space and Missile Systems Center will obligate $70.5M in research, development, test and evaluation funds for fiscal 2020 at the time of award.

Work will occur in Redondo Beach, Calif., through December 2025.

The Air Force awarded Northrop a $47M contract in 2018 to analyze system and payload requirements for the two Next-Gen OPIR missile warning satellites.

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