Jim Garrettson, founder and CEO of Executive Mosaic, presented Barry Barlow, chief of staff and senior vice president of Perspecta, with the Chairmans Award for completing his second year as chairman of the CTO Group for Executive Mosaics 4×24 program. This is the second consecutive year Executive Mosaic has awarded Barry Barlow the Chairmans Award.
Barlow joined Perspecta as the senior vice president and chief of staff in June 2018. He drives innovation strategy and growth for the companys solutions, especially in technology. Barlow is also responsible for Perspectas long-term technology strategy, vision and he advocates for that vision for customers. His skills in customer technology outreach initiatives provide a distinct advantage in the selection, implementation and integration of strategic partners for Perspecta.
With more than 40 years of government, commercial and academic experience, Barlow has a range of expertise in the defense and space industry. Prior to joining Perspecta, Barlow served as the senior vice president and chief technology officer for Vencore between Feb. 2013 and May 2018.
He served as the first director of online GEOINT Services at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), delivering online, on-demand GEOINT services and advancing the end-to-end user experience. Barlow was selected as the director and deputy director of acquisition at NGA, as well as NGAs chief architect and chief engineer.
During his federal career, Barlow has been honored with multiple awards. The awards include the Presidential Rank Award as a Distinguished Senior Executive from President Obama, Presidential Rank Award as a Meritorious Senior Executive from President Bush, Department of Defense (DOD) Distinguished Civilian Service Award from Secretary Gates, National Intelligence Distinguished Service Medal from DNI Clapper and the NGA Medallion for Excellence from Director Long as well as other accolades from the intelligence community, including DOD and NGA Meritorious Unit Citations.