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White House Launches ‘American AI Initiative’ Through Executive Order

President Donald Trump on Monday signed an executive order to launch a new program that will direct federal resources toward the development of artificial intelligence in order to build up economic and national security and improve the quality of life of citizens.

The American AI Initiative has five key principles and one of those is directing federal agencies to prioritize investments in research-and-development efforts related to AI, the White House said Monday.

The initiative calls for agencies to provide federal data and computing resources for AI researchers and industries; develop guidance for AI development and use; build up the AI workforce through training and fellowship programs; and promote an international environment that backs AI innovation and protects the country’s advantage in the field of AI. 

According to the EO, heads of agencies that conduct or fund AI-related R&D projects should allocate a budget for AI R&D work starting fiscal year 2020 and coordinate plans with the directors of the Office of Management and Budget and Office of Science and Technology Policy via the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Program.

The document also calls for the assistant to the president for national security affairs to oversee the development of an action plan that seeks to safeguard the country’s AI leadership and submit the plan to the president within 120 days of the EO’s release.

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