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ASRC Federal Gets $428M DHS Contract for Plum Island Facility Operations Support; Mark Gray Comments

Mark Gray

ASRC Federal‘s field services business has received a potential $428 million contract to help the Department of Homeland Security oversee, maintain and operate the New York-based Plum Island Animal Disease Center’s infrastructure and scientific efforts.

“The training and research conducted at Plum Island are vital to protecting our country’s livestock,” Mark Gray, president and CEO of ASRC Federal, said in a statement published Tuesday.

Gray noted that the company has supported DHS’ mission at PIADC for more than a decade and is pleased to continue its partnership with the agency through the contract.

The firm will move the center’s training and research missions to the new national bio and agro-defense facility in Manhattan, Kansas, under the Center-Wide Support Program contract awarded by DHS’ science and technology directorate.

PIADC comprises 49 buildings and has approximately 400 employees who help the center conduct vaccine research and development, bioforensics, training and diagnostics initiatives.

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