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Harris Wins $52M Award to Modernize Army Satellite Terminals

Harris Corp. (NYSE: HRS) has received a $51.5 million delivery order for advanced satellite terminals under the U.S. Army’s modernization and enterprise terminals program.

The company will supply additional terminals, including transportable X-/Ka-band and large fixed X-/Ka-band. Harris will also provide equipment racks, operator training and spares to support terminal fielding.

Harris said the next-generation military satellite communications terminals provide the worldwide backbone for high-priority military communications and missile defense systems.

“We continue to aggressively drive toward the key production and delivery milestones of this major program, which represents a new generation of strategic, multiband terminals, ” said Sheldon Fox, group president of Harris’ government communications systems. “These terminals provide critical reach-back capability for soldiers in the field who must access resources not available at their remote locations.”

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