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Intelligent Decisions Partners with Visual Computing Firm for Army Training; Harry Martin Comments

Harry Martin, Intelligent Decisions

Intelligent Decisions has formed a partnership with government visual computing provider Quantum3d, inc. to improve the U.S. Army‘s training of dismounted soldiers.

Intelligent Decisions will use Quantum’s immersive training platform in its close combat tactical training and dismounted soldier training system, which is led by the Army’s program executive office for simulation, training and instrumentation.

ExpeditionDI is a self-contained, wearable and fully-immersive close combat infantry simulator training platform.

It includes a high-resolution head-mounted display and a battery-powered computing pack, which enable infantry squads to communicate while moving through a virtual environment.

“Intelligent Decisions and Quantum3D are partnering to provide our deploying soldiers with the best available training through the new dismounted soldier training system, ” said Harry Martin, president and CEO of Intelligent Decisions. “Quantum3D’s ExpeditionDI is a cutting-edge training platform that will enable Intelligent Decisions to deliver a fully immersive, virtual training environment to help the U.S. maintain its military advantage.”

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