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Federal Tech Modernization Fund Invests in Cybersecurity Efforts at 3 Agencies; Clare Martorana Quoted

The Social Security Administration, the Department of the Treasury and the U.S. Agency for Global Media will receive investments through the government’s Technology Modernization Fund to modernize digital services and cybersecurity processes.

SSA will advance the adoption of multifactor authentication and enhance the security of its systems to facilitate the processing and delivery of retirement and disability benefits to clients using the TMF investment valued at $23.3 million, the General Services Administration said Friday.

The Treasury will use an $11.1 million investment to improve the security of the Treasury Foreign Intelligence Network, which is used for sharing classified information with other agencies, assessing the impact of foreign sanctions and identifying international threats to the U.S. economy and finances.

USAGM, which delivers news and information to international audiences who are subject to strict media controls and censorship, will use the TMF investment worth $6.2 million to implement zero trust architecture to improve the security of its information technology system, protect the integrity of its news content and mitigate the risk of identity fraud.

“Cybersecurity is the great enabler of IT modernization. When we help agencies launch technology that is secure by design, they’re able to drive transformation across products and services to improve the digital experience and maximize investments,” said Clare Martorana, federal chief information officer, chair of the TMF Board and a previous Wash100 Award winner.

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