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ZelTech to Provide R&D, Acquisition Support to JIDA Under $165M OASIS SB Task Order

soldier-equipment-c4isrZel Technologies has won a five-year, $165.3 million task order from the General Services Administration to provide research and development and acquisition support services to the Joint Improvised-Threat Defeat Agency.

GSA’s federal systems integration and management center received three proposals for the cost-plus-award-fee task order that was awarded under the Pool 4 category of GSA’s One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Small Business contract vehicle, the Defense Department said Friday.

ZelTech will also help JIDA build and deploy platforms that work to counter improvised threats, determine the Joint Force’s capability gaps and risks as well as facilitate actions against improvised threats in support of combatant command’s counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism efforts.

The company will perform work in Virginia and the National Capital Region through Aug. 31, 2021 and will field personnel to support deployed U.S. forces worldwide on an on-demand basis.

GSA will obligate $2.6 million in joint IED defeat funds at the time of award, according to DoD.

In June 2014, GSA gave federal agencies the go-ahead to use the OASIS SB program to acquire professional service after the Government Accountability Office and the Court of Federal Claims dismissed protests filed on the contract vehicle.

JIDA, formerly known as the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization, works to help DoD and soldiers prepare for battlefield surprise and counter improvised explosive devices and other threats through acquisition and tactical responsiveness efforts.

Hampton, Virginia-based ZelTech is a veteran, minority-owned company that provides information technology and professional services such as intelligence support, knowledge management, training and simulation, cyber platforms, and command and control support.

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