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Former L-3 NSS Exec Bill Scott Joins STG as Cybersecurity VP; Phil Lacombe Comments

STG logoBill Scott, a former vice president at L-3 Communications (NYSE: LLL), has been appointed VP of cybersecurity and secure information systems at Reston, Virginia-based government services contractor STG Group.

Scott will work to manage STG’s resources, implement growth strategies and develop platforms designed to safeguard national security networks in collaboration with the company’s senior leadership team and sector manager, STG said Thursday.

“[Scott]’s understanding of our customers’ critical national security missions, cybersecurity and information systems expertise and technical leadership accelerates our vision of increasing STG’s support for vital government programs and missions, ” said Phil Lacombe, STG president and chief operating officer.

STG merged into acquisition firm Global Defense & National Security Systems (Nasdaq: GDEF) in November 2015.

The appointment comes approximately two weeks after STG announced Lacombe as president and COO.

Scott is a retired U.S. Army brigadier general and brings more than two decades of experience in cybersecurity, network engineering, contingency deployment and force deployment to STG.

He most recently served as VP of solutions integration at the former L-3 National Security Solutions business,  which was acquired by CACI International (NYSE: CACI) for $550 million in February.

His previous roles in the Army include director of architecture, operations, networks and space for the Army CIO, senior communications and network officer for U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan and commanding general of the 311th Signal Command for the Army Pacific.

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