Ken Diller, a retired U.S. Army intelligence officer, will manage Fulcrum‘s business development, marketing, communications and other corporate growth programs as the company’s new vice president for corporate development.
“Ken brings a track record of success in high growth organizations providing operations, new business and brand management, ” Jeff Handy, Fulcrum’s chief executive officer, said Monday.
Diller formerly handled business development related to defense and federal healthcare at Titania Solutions, Army and intelligence programs at CGI and its acquired companies Stanley and Oberon.
Before retiring from the military in 2005, Diller served as the Army’s G2 Initiative Group chief and a military intelligence battalion commander.
He also supported the military in Iraq and Afghanistan after his retirement by developing operational intelligence and biometrics collection systems for Army and national intelligence programs.
Throughout his military career, Diller has gained experience in intelligence training, requirement development and force modernization, among other areas.