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STG Aids Obama Climate Change Report

is an ‘added-value’ IT solutions, applied engineer capabilities and specific scientific solutions government contractor. STG helped the Obama administration comple the “Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States” Report. The 31 scientsts desinged to the report concluded that the entire country is effected by global warming and therefore immediate, agreessive action must be taken.

Under the 2006 NCDC Mission Support Services Contract, STG scientist provided writing support, graphic design, copy editing, proofreading and other editorial assistance. The STG team presented almost 1/2 of the 21 Synthesis and Assessment Product reports from the U.S. Global Change Research Program Synthesis and therefore contributed to the basis of President Obama’s new climate report.

“This is the most thorough and up-to-date review ever assembled of climate-change impacts observed to date, as well as those anticipated in the future across the United States, ” said Evan Mills, researcher for the Obama report.

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